The mid-year 2023 Development Activity Report summarizes the number of new residential applications and associated proposed residential units received, together with the total number of residential units registered.
Key Points:
As of August 2023, the Region has an approved housing supply of an estimated 63,000 units.
The Region has a strong supply of residential inventory, well within Provincial requirements that a 3-to-7-year supply of draft approved and registered plans be maintained.
Development activity continues to remain strong, however associated Development Charges for infrastructure supporting growth has declined with the 20% discount imposed through Bill 23 being implemented.
In the first half of 2023, York Region received 222 new development applications for review, a 15% decrease over 2022 (262 development applications)
Accrued development charge collections decreased by 48% to $152,386,317 in the first half of 2023 from $291,624,215 in 2022, which was anticipated as a result of changes from Bill 23 as well as a slowdown in housing activity, due to current economic conditions
Richmond Hill 2023 Mid-Year Development Activity Summary
York Region 2023 Mid-Year Development Activity Summary