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Transportation Master Plan Update - Feb 7

Virtual Public Information Centre - Tuesday, February 7 at 7pm

The City of Richmond Hill is updating its Transportation Master Plan to establish a future vision for all travel modes within the City to the year 2051. The plan will guide the future of the City's road, walking and cycling networks, including off-road trails, and update transportation and mobility policy to support how people get around the City.

  • Hear from City staff on proposed improvements to the City’s transportation infrastructure and strategic direction on future transportation policy, as well as a brief summary of feedback collected from public consultation through the survey in fall 2022.

  • Participate in virtual engagement activities to share their insights and experiences regarding transportation modes and recreational trails

  • Learn about the next steps of the Transportation Master Plan

Whether you walk, bike, take transit or drive, join us to provide feedback at the upcoming virtual public information centre to help the City plan improvements to its transportation future.

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