Monday January 30, 2023 at 1:30pm
A request for comments concerning the Province of Ontario’s Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 and related initiatives.
Richmond Hill Council unanimously passed Mayor West's Member Motion below requesting a response from the Province regarding serious concerns outlined in this staff report regarding Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act.
Meeting Reports
Staff will outline the legislative changes that impact land use planning considerations in Richmond Hill followed by the estimated financial impacts to the City.
Impacts from Bill 23 changes to the planning system, tools and fees available to municipalities will affect Council Strategic Priorities.
The City’s ability to ‘Balance Growth and Green’ and reinforce a sense of belonging unique to the City may be challenged with less tools to acquire parkland, conserve natural heritage features such as wetlands, secure sustainable design features in development, and promote urban design and heritage conservation.
Although increased intensification in major transit station areas support ‘Getting Around the City’ through higher-order transit such as the subway, providing amenities and facilities to improve active transportation networks may be more difficult.
The loss of revenue from exemptions or discounts for Development Charges, Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Dedication, and Community Benefit Charge payments will negatively impact our ability to invest in our growing community.