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Road Safety Trends in Oak Ridges & Richmond Hill

The York Regional Police Road Safety Map provides road safety data (2019 to current) for York Region that is updated daily.

The comparison chart at the right shows the stats for the first 8 month of each year.

There is an increase of 14% in occurrences for 2024 over the same time period in 2023.

When opening the Safety Map you can zoom in on the map and look at the stats for a particular area i.e. Oak Ridges as seen below.

Click on a symbol on the map to view additional information about the incident.

You can also compare occurrences by municipalities and by type.

As you can see below Richmond Hill's occurrences are 1950 less than Markham and 3881 occurrences less than Vaughan for the same time period.

There are also dashboards that compare to the same period a year ago.

You can view dashboards for all of York Region or certain municipalities.

Register HERE to receive a weekly crime summary email for your municipality.

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