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ROAD CLOSURE - Worthington Avenue (From Wellman Dr, to Delphinium Ave.) - Oct. 21 to 25

Apple Bottom Homes Inc. has requested a closure of Worthington Avenue from Wellman Drive to Delphinium Avenue between October 21st to 25th, 2024.

This closure is necessary to facilitate the repairs to the infiltration gallery and road reconstruction within the Worthington Avenue road allowance. The subdivision is located south of Snively Street and 700m west of Bayview Avenue as indicated on the Location Map below.

The Developer’s Consulting Engineer has provided an acceptable Traffic Control and Detour Plan and will be posting required signage indicating the dates of the proposed road closures. All efforts will be employed to minimize inconvenience to the public during this time. All emergency services, parking enforcement, schools, and transit services will be notified of this closure.

The closure is recommended to expedite the repair of the infiltration gallery and to provide a greater degree of safety to both the general public and contractors during the construction period.

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