Council Meeting Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 9:30am
Presentation by Altaf Stationwala, Mackenzie Health President and CEO, regarding an Update on Operations at Mackenzie Richmond Hill
He remarked on Mackenzie Health’s 60th anniversary, the accreditations it has received, and provided a summary of their financial health.
Reviewed operations at the hospital, noted the significant patient volumes and associated challenges, and commented on their strategic plan progress, staffing and recruitment.
Remarked on efforts made by Mackenzie Heath to understand the future needs of the community to plan for future growth.
He advised of the recent announcement on the opening of the York University School of Medicine in 2028, and their partnership with the university.
He reviewed the hospital’s site plan, highlighted a future development for seniors’ care, and remarked on how the hospital enhanced patient care thorough technology.
Agenda items passed by Council include:
Bird-Safe Design Standards Recommendations Report
In keeping with Council-approved policy direction to explore bird-friendly initiatives and support Richmond Hill’s “Bird-Friendly City” certification, this report outlines an approach for the City to help reduce the number of bird fatalities in our urban areas.
Naming Rights Policy Update
To obtain Council approval of an updated Naming Rights Policy and the delegation of authority to the City Manager to approve interior Naming Rights; and, to receive Council feedback regarding exterior Naming Rights for City facilities.
Member Motion - Raising the Pride Flag for the Month of June
Amendment Applications approved by Council
Request for Approval – Zoning By-law Amendment Application – 34 Avenue Road
A Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit one (1) additional single detached building lot on the subject lands.