Richmond Hill Council Public Meeting Tuesday May 16 at 7:30pm
3.1 SRPI.23.052 – Request for Comments – Minor Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 229 Rumble Avenue
A request for comments concerning a proposed Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit a second floor addition to an existing single detached dwelling
3.2 SRPI.23.047 – Request for Comments – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications - 162, 166, 170, 174, 178 and 182 Norfolk Avenue
To permit the construction of a high density residential development to be comprised of two towers (14 and 16 storey in height) connected by a 6 storey podium, containing a total of 406 dwelling units with three levels of underground parking.
The applicant’s Official Plan Amendment application seeks to amend the policies of the Local Development Area (LDA) designation applicable to the subject lands in order to permit the following:
an increase in permitted density from 2.0 FSI to 5.4 FSI;
an increase in the maximum permitted building height from 3 to 16 storeys abutting the Neighbourhood designation;
an increase in the maximum permitted building height from 15 to 16 storeys within the Local Development Area; and,
an increase in the maximum permitted base building height from 4 storeys to 6 storeys.
3.3 SRPI.23.044 – Request for Comments – Official Plan Amendment Application – Parkway Hotels and Convention Centre Inc., 650 Hwy 7 East Inc., and 9005 Leslie Street Inc. - 600 and 650 Hwy 7 and 9005 Leslie Street
To permit a high density mixed-use residential/commercial development on its land holdings. The proposed development is to be comprised of:
nine towers ranging in height from 35 to 42 storeys with some of the towers on six storey podia and a total of 3,460 dwelling units .
an expansion to the existing hotel operations, a conference centre area expansion and new commercial/retail space.
A 0.4 hectare (0.99 acre) strata park is proposed internal to the site with a ‘breezeway’ connecting to Leslie Street.
The existing office building, retail mall, conference centre, and Sheraton hotel are proposed to remain.
Parking is proposed within 6 levels of shared underground parking which is to span the entirety of the subject lands. Proposed Parking Spaces: 4,921
At the February 26, 2020 meeting Council approved the request to remove these lands from the Region’s Employment Area designation subsequently they are now designated Community Area under the Regional Official Plan.
Community Area permits a full range and mix of urban uses which are intended to accommodate a significant portion of planned growth within the Region
The Key Directions Report identifies the East Beaver Creek and Highway 7 area where the subject lands are located as an emerging Local Centre.
Lands are located along a Regional Corridor which are intended to serve as locations for the highest densities and mix of uses, as determined by the local municipality, with consideration for local community context and character
Lands are with a MTSAs which intended to support a range and mix of land uses, supporting higher density, mixed-use and transit-oriented development.
How to attend Council Meetings and Provide Comments
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s YouTube page.
Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda matters by email to Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, considered as public information and noted in the public record.
Delegations: No prior registration is required to make an in-person Delegation, but is encouraged. Prior registration is required should the public intend to make an electronic delegation by video conference or telephone. Applications to appear as a delegation must be submitted by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting by email to or by using the online application form found here. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.