Council Meeting Tuesday November 25, 2024 at 1:30pm

Meeting Agenda: View Meeting Agenda
Watch Meeting: Meeting Video
Council Members attending in person:
DiPaola, West, Chan, Davidson, Cilevitz
Council Members attending via videoconferencing
Thompson, Liu, Cui, Shiu
Agenda Items:
The Village of Richmond Hill Business Improvement Area’s 2025 proposed budget is $182,540, with 62,540 to be funded by the BIA Reserve Fund. The remaining amount of $120,000 ($20,000 increase) would be fully funded by a tax levy upon the rateable properties in the area, as part of the final tax billing.
2025 Richmond Hill Public Library Board Budget
The annual Operating Budget highlights the anticipated costs offset against available funding sources needed to support ongoing City operations. The shortfall in funding is balanced with an increase in taxation.
The 2025 Draft Operating Budget proposes a 4.50% total tax rate increase, comprised of a 3.00% tax rate increase for operational requirements and a Capital Asset Sustainability Levy increase of 1.50% tax rate equivalent.
For an average single, detached residential property in Richmond Hill with a current assessed value of $1.146 million in 2025, the proposed budget represents a $96.32 annual increase, with $64.21 related to operational requirements and a $32.11 increase attributable to the Capital Asset Sustainability Levy.
Following to the Water and Wastewater Financial Plan:
The 2025 rate increase is 6.8% (6% weighted average using three months of 2024 rate and nine months of the 2025 rate effective April 1)
Net transfers to reserve funds are increasing annually over the life of the operating forecast, with greater transfers to the Watermain Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the first half, followed by greater transfers to the Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund in the second half.
Overall, transfers to the various reserve and reserve funds represent the second largest expenditure in the Water and Wastewater Fund.
Following to the Stormwater Management Financial Plan:
Over the years, stormwater management rate increases, and funding have not kept pace with the growing needs of stormwater infrastructure.
The large amount of capital infrastructure needs (2025 to 2034) will be funded by a combination of user fee increases, $3 million annual funding from the Canada Community Building Fund for the next five years, and $22 million debt issuance to smooth rate increases.
The 2025 rate increase is 50%.
The annual stormwater management user fees for an average residential property (7027 square feet) is expected to increase from $77.44 in 2024 to $116.16 in 2025.
Since the Community and Cultural Grant Program (the “CCGP”) was initiated, it has contributed funding to 124 projects including art exhibitions, theatrical and musical productions, cultural festivals, environmental initiatives, and youth programs, which involved over 450 activities, 94,412 participants, and 3,240 volunteers.
The CCGP will be improved and rejuvenated by clarifying program goals, simplifying the evaluation process, expanding eligibility, and allocating additional funding.
The proposed CCGP annual operating budget of $100,000 should be funded from the Community Enhancement and Economic Vitality Reserve Fund given direct alignment between the goals of the program and the intent of this funding source
That the Mayor’s participation in the Hannover Messe Conference in April 2025 be approved;
That up to two (2) staff from the Economic Development Division accompany the Mayor at the Hannover Messe Conference in April 2025;
That the Budget Committee of the Whole recommends that the Mayor submit for Council’s review that $25,000 be added in the 2025 Operating Budget, to be funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to support the planned Investment Attraction Mission to Hannover Messe.
Public Comments:
The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.
Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to or by using the on-line application form. Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.